In 1911, Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by his attorney Sherman Booth to build an elaborate house in Glencoe, IL. The Sherman Booth House turned out to be quite exceptional, and set the bar for Wright's own home - the Taliesin. The finished project yielded a 4 story block style home including a barn in the south wing, custom furniture throughout the house, and a beautiful garden/park on the property. The Glencoe desk globe is based off of the custom bricks that were designed for the park, and showcases Wright's attention to detail.
This unusual two-way illuminated globe ball will provoke many spirited conversations in your home or office. Turn the light off and brilliant lithography delineates the firmament's stars, constellations and nebulae. Turn the light on and witness the luminous beauty of approximately 70 celestial images (see image). Features a molded black base and smoke semi-meridian.
Please note: All Illuminated globes have an electrical cord to power the internal light bulb. The cord is hidden in the photo, but comes out of the south pole axis point.
Diameter: 12"
Height: 20"
Weight: 6 lbs
ITEM# 85601